Photo for Today by Anthony Marson

Photo for Today by Anthony Marson

Raising the Djed Pillar

Copyright Anthony Marson, with my thanks

- Photo For Today By Anthony Marson
Djedefre pyramid base, Abu Rawash Copyright Anthony Marson With my thanks. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today By Anthony Marson
Djedefre's Pyramid - tomb ramp Copyright Anthony Marson With my thanks Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today By Anthony Marson
Temple of Hathor, Deir el-Medina Copyright Anthony Marson Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today By Anthony Marson
Restored Ptolemaic Temple of Hathor at Deir el-Medina Copyright Anthony Marson There's a photo-report on the temple by Simon Hayter at Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Daily Photo By Tony Marson
Tel el-Amarna This photo captures the basic fact of the ancient town today that there's almost nothing left to see in the landscape. A remarkable thought. But archaeologists have brought the town back to life on paper. To find out more about the...

