Photo for Today by Lucia Gahlin

Photo for Today by Lucia Gahlin

Replastered bathroom in North Palace, Amarna

Copyright Lucia Gahlin
Bloomsbury Summer School

With my thanks

- Photo For Today By Lucia Gahlin
Thanks to everyone who emailed to say that they particularly liked the Amarna photographs generously supplied by Lucia Gahlin. This is the last of them, so enjoy the view! Amarna plain from north tombs Copyright Lucial Gahlin Bloomsbury Summer School...

- Photo For Today By Lucia Gahlin
I have been finding Lucia's photographs a real revelation. I have never been to Amarna but the feedback from most people who have visited is that there really isn't much to see, apart from the royal tombs. Lucia's photographs have shown that...

- Photo For Today By Lucia Gahlin
Looking into garden court, North Palace, Amarna Copyright Lucia Gahlin Bloomsbury Summer School With my thanks Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today By Lucia Gahlin
Throne room of North Palace, Amarna Copyright Lucia Gahlin Bloomsbury Summer School With my thanks Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Research: Amarna Funding From Bloomsbury Ss
Bloomsbury Summer School Thanks to Lucia Gahlin for letting me know that the last Bloomsbury Summer School in Egypt with Barry Kemp at Amarna raised nearly £6000.00 for the Amarna Trust - excellent news. Wish I could have been there! It is good to see...

