Polish activities upstream

Polish activities upstream

"One of the most important achievements during the Nubia Salvage Operations under the auspices of UNESCO in the 1960s was unquestionably the discovery of an ancient cathedral in Faras which contained wall paintings preserved in excellent condition. As a result of four years of investigation and conservation by a Polish mission under the direction of K Michaowski, these magnificent and unique paintings can today be seen in special galleries in the National Museums of Warsaw and Khartoum.
The discovery can be regarded on a par with the most important archaeological discoveries of the second half of the 20th century, and certainly among the most significant achievements of the Nubian campaign."

- Polish Conservators Have Secured A Unique Monument In Sudan
Science and Scholarship in Poland  At the turn of 2011/2012, Polish scientists secured medieval paintings in the so-called Raphelion, or religious buildings dedicated to the Archangel Raphael in Banganarti, Sudan. This unique church building from...

- In The Field: January 2010
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) With photos. Abbasid gold coins in Fayoum, two rock- hewn tombs in Saqqara and a four- cornered, mud-brick tower on the wall of Islamic Cairo are the latest antiquities discovered in Egypt. Wherever a mission digs in Egypt...

- An Sos For Qasr Ibrim On Lake Nasser
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) In the 1960s when Egypt decided to build the High Dam and called for the salvage operation of Nubian monuments, all temples were relocated to another, safer location except the monuments of Qasr Ibrim which was built on...

- A Copy Of The Egyptian Vizier's Tomb
http://tinyurl.com/jlrta (Naukawpolsce) "The only copy of the Egyptian vizier Merefnebef’s 3rd millennium B.C. tomb is in Warsaw’s National Museum – Prof. Karol Myśliwiec heading the Polish archaeological mission in Saqqara told us. This was down...

- Intellectual Life In Alexandria
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2005/726/heritage.htm "The Polish mission at Kom Al-Dikka in Alexandria has made several exciting finds over the years, but their latest discovery hard on the heels of the establishment of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina has set...

