Polish Archaeology Celebrated

Polish Archaeology Celebrated

Two stories from Al Ahram celebrating seventy years of Polish archaeology in Egypt.


Well Dug


- More Re Celebrations Of Polish Archaeology In Egypt
Al Ahram Weekly Last Sunday, the strains of classical music wafted on the evening air through the Egyptian Museum garden. Softly lit trees, their leaves ruffled by a light breeze, added to the enchantment of the occasion: the celebration of 70 years of...

- Query Re Al Ahram Weekly Mathematics Article
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2007/830/letters.htmThis page has a query from a reader of the Al Ahram weekly article Mathematics in Ancient Egypt by Assed Deif, which appeared in Al Ahram Weekly in the 25 - 31 January 2007 issue (No. 829): "In 'Mathematics...

- Coptic Trove
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2005/730/he1.htm "In Al-Gurna where several excavation missions are probing for more Ancient Egyptian treasures under the sand, a team from the Polish Centre for Mediterranean Archaeology has stumbled on a major Coptic trove...

- Intellectual Life In Alexandria
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2005/726/heritage.htm "The Polish mission at Kom Al-Dikka in Alexandria has made several exciting finds over the years, but their latest discovery hard on the heels of the establishment of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina has set...

- International Congress Of Egyptologists
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2004/710/he1.htm A summary of the ups and downs of the ninth Congress, which is held every four years. This is a very good overview, describing everything from the chaotic organization of the conference centre in which it was...

