Prehistoric artefacts returned to Egypt

Prehistoric artefacts returned to Egypt

Times of Malta

Britain has sent back to Egypt some 25,000 ancient artifacts, some dating as far back as the stone age, Egypt's culture minister said.

The artifacts, packaged in 85 boxes returned to Cairo aboard an Egyptian flight yesterday, Faruq Hosni said in a statement.

Retrieving the items came after "long negotiations" with the University of London, antiquities chief Zahi Hawass told AFP.

The artifacts include a stone axe that dates back 200,000 years as well as pottery from the seventh millennium BC which bears the finger prints of its producers, the ministry said.

Middle East Online

Retrieving the items came after "long negotiations" with the University of London, antiquities chief Zahi Hawass said.

The artifacts include a stone axe that dates back 200,000 years as well as pottery from the seventh millennium BC which bears the finger prints of its producers, the ministry said.

The artifacts "will constitute the foundation for a collection from the (pre-dynastic) Naqada period," named after a village in southern Egypt which represented "one of the oldest centres of civilisation in the world," Hawass said.

They will be displayed at the Ahmed Fakhri Museum, currently under construction in Dakhla, an oasis in Egypt's western desert.

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