Preserving Giza

Preserving Giza

Here an article from Dr. Hawass on the preservation of the heritage of the Giza plateau.

- Un To Assist With Development Of Dahshur
Al Masry Al Youm (Ekram Ibrahim) The Egyptian government and the United Nations held the first workshop in their “Mobilization of the Dahshour World Heritage Site for Community Development” program on 10 April. The program aims to focus on developing...

- Showcasing Giza "As one of the seven ancient wonders of the world, one of the most unique monuments on the globe -- and one that must be protected -- the Giza Pyramids are listed on UNESCO's World Heritage list. To mark...

- The Caves Of Giza
Here Dr. Hawass talks about the recent rumors of a cave under the Giza plateau which as he explains is just a tomb probably from the Ptolemaic period.

- Scanning The Sphinx
Here Dr. Zahi Hawass talks about the scientific work done on the Giza plateau.

- Cleaning Up The Joint
Another article on the cleaning up of the Giza plateau.

