Profile: Salima Ikram

Profile: Salima Ikram

AUC Bulletin

Plus other Faculty News.

As the subject of our first profile we spoke with Salima Ikram, Professor of Egyptology, who has been with AUC in various capacities since 1995. Salima is a native of Lahore, Pakistan. A visit to Egypt in early childhood hooked her for life on the mysteries of the Egyptian past. She was educated primarily at Bryn Mawr College and Cambridge University, with a year in between as a Study Abroad student here at AUC. Salima is a powerhouse of productivity, with ten authored or edited scholarly books and six books for children, along with dozens of articles and conference presentations. She has also appeared in a staggering number of television specials and documentary films (since Egyptology is a beloved field around the world, after all). Among other honors, she was the 2007 winner of the AUC Excellence in Research and Creative Endeavors Award. Salima is also known around campus for a friendly personality and an excellent sense of humor. For all of these reasons, she seemed like an ideal candidate to launch our new Faculty Profiles series with the following interview. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

- Lecture: Beloved Beasts: Ancient Egyptian Animal Mummies, Salima Ikram
Daily Beacon (Elizabeth Storey) This page reports on a lecture delivered by Salima Ikram in Cairo, about animal mummification in ancient Egypt. Animal mummies, long overshadowed by human mummies, hold much more useful information about ancient Egypt than...

- Salima Ikram Lecture About Animal Mummies
The Daily Texan The animal mummy room in Cairo's Egyptian Museum fascinated Salima Ikram the first time she traveled to Egypt. Unfortunately, it had been shut down. "I felt it needed rescuing," Ikram said with a laugh. Ikram, a professor of Egyptology...

- Egypt's Oasis
Here we have an article by the ever bubbly Dr. Salima Ikram who's enthusiasm is contagious.

- Interview With Salima Ikram
Salima Ikram's Enthusiasm for her job is a real motivator to her viewers.

- Animal Mummies By Salima Ikram
The always delightful Salima Ikram lectures on one of her pet projects, something dear to her.

