Progress at Karnak

Progress at Karnak

Luxor News Blog

Jane Akshar has updated her blog with the news that work is ongoing at Karnak:

I haven’t visited Karnak for a while and yesterday Mr Mansour Boraik was telling me about the fantastic discoveries they have been making there so I decided to visit. I was shown round the site by one of the inspectors, Momen, and he could hardly contain his excitement. You may have heard reported in the press that they have found an embankment and Nile silt indicating that the lake mentioned in the tomb of Neferhotep TT39 was in the area of the second pylon not in front of the current temple. Subsequent excavations have revealed 1 large and 1 small ramp and a second small ramp.
See the above page for some more details, and photographs.

Jane also links to the Karnak Show Schedule, which contains timings for the Sound and Light throughout the year, including Ramadam.

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