Prove it Dr. Hawass!

Prove it Dr. Hawass!

This article is on Dr. Zahi Hawass's continued examination of all the royal mummies with his new DNA lab. Though I imagine getting DNA from these deteriorated mummies will be difficult.

Though the two fetus's were found in King Tutankamen's tomb that does not necessarily mean they are his. Like much of the boy Kings funerary equipment the fetus's may actually belong to Tut's predecessor King Smenkare.

However if they do belong to King Tut and his Queen and they yield mitochondrial DNA than perhaps they may point to one of the unknown female mummies as Queen Ankhesenamun.

Having said all of that one must also remember Dr. Hawass's discovery of the mummy of Hatshepsut which more than a year later he has not had his results independently verified. Dr. Hawass should not make claims that he cannot or does not want to back up.

If he did find the mummy of Egypt's greatest female King than he should be more than proud to prove it otherwise he is wasting his new labs time and misleading the Egyptological community.

Dr. Hawass I'm having doubts and just because you say its so does not make it so!

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