Psychotic King

Psychotic King

Anyone who thinks that life was good in Akenaten's capitol is dreaming. If you were anyone other than the royal family and their courtiers life was hard and more than likely you would have been a tool to be worked to death.

So when I say you were a member of Akenaten's clique and that life was good this was probably only if you did not fall out of favor of the psychotic Pharaoh;_ylt=AqyqI91zdff8TNHB9aP6R.9FeQoB

- Online Resource: Egyptian Initiation (article)
NWO Library Carolyn Harris Egyptologists like Morenz, Piankoff, Mercer, Frankfort, Faulkner, Assmann, Hornung or Allen have good reasons to stress the difference between the Greek and the Pharaonic perspective on initiation (from the Latin "initio", introduce...

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I noticed recently that when I aligned the third Amenhotep's year reign of 25 with his successor and namesakes year 1 that a number of curious dates begin to suggest that much of the fourth Amenhotep's reign may actually have run parallel to his...

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