

Archaeology Magazine

What can you say about Qatna, Syria? It's produced one amazing find after another for the German-Syrian team of Michel al-Maqdissi, Directorate General of Antiquities, and Peter Pfälzner from the University of Tübingen. (See "Messages from the Dead" for earlier discoveries at the site.) This year an unplundered "tomb-cellar" was found under the the northwest wing of the royal palace with hundreds of artifacts as well as human bones from 1600-1400 B.C.

There were 30 skulls suggesting at least that many individuals were placed there, likely members of the royal family or household. The bones were not in anatomical position but stacked in groups, indicating that these were secondary burials (perhaps even of earlier royals buried elsewhere and later moved to the tomb-cellar. There were numerous pottery and stone vessels. The stone ones are very interesting. Some are of granite and come from Egypt, BUT the are from the Old Kingdom, a thousand years before these burials. What's the explanation for that?

- Unearthing More Burials At Amara West
British Museum (Dyan Semple) With photos. Exerpt: Along with Michaela and Carina, I’m working in cemetery C at Amara West, currently in the western chamber of Grave 201. This tomb has a central shaft and two chambers to the east and the west. It had...

- Discoveries In Syria Reveal Ancient Trade Routes To Nile
Monsters and Critics An academic excavation team said Thursday it had uncovered artifacts which indicate that an ancient Bronze-Age kingdom in northern Syria had strong international trade relations with Nile river dynasties. Peter Pfalzner, a professor...

- Before The Valley Of The Kings: Egypt's Last Royal Pyramids
Loyola University new Orleans Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Time: 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm Location: Miller Hall, Room 114 Before the Valley of the Kings: Egypt’s Last Royal Pyramids " by Dr. Stephen Harvey (Michel and Nelly Abemayor Lecture in Egyptian...

- Sarcophagus Dating To Ramesses Ii Found (updated)
The SCA have apparently announced the discovery of a giant granite sarcophagus dating to dating to the the reign of Ramesses II in Saqqara. I haven't managed to track down the original SCA statement yet, but the following summarize the main points...

- The Daughters Of Nefertiti
Valley of the Kings tomb KV63 was discovered quite by accident in 2005 by a team directed by Dr. Otto Schaden working on the tomb of Amenmesse inside and around the entrance of that king's tomb, KV10. As debris was being removed from in front of...

