Quest for Immortality

Quest for Immortality
Showing from January 27th to May 7th 2006, the Public Museum of Grand Rapids is hosting the exhibition Quest for Immortality: "The invitation to host this landmark exhibition in Grand Rapids for one hundred days was made recently, and is directly related to the Public Museum’s success in organizing and hosting The Dead Sea Scrolls. The exhibition has been presented in Washington, D.C., Boston, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Milwaukee and Denver and will stop here before continuing to Nashville, Portland, and Houston and several European cities. Grand Rapids is the sole host city along the New York/Chicago corridor. Highlighting masterpieces from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, the Luxor Museum in Luxor, formerly known as Thebes, and the archaeological sites of Tanis and Deir-el-Bahari, the exhibition includes several extraordinarily preserved artifacts that have not been publicly displayed before and many that have never been shown outside of Egypt."
See the Grand Rapids musem website, above, for more information

- Millionth Visitor For Travelling Exhibition Of Egyptian Relics
The Bolton News  A touring exhibition of Bolton Museum’s Egyptology collection has attracted its one millionth visitor in the Far East. The exhibition — Quest For Immortality: The Bolton Museum Collection — is currently in Kaohsiung, Taiwan,...

- Exhibition: Opening Of Quest In Portland"Despite the inset of the rainy season in the American west cost city of Portland, Oregon, hundreds of people were queuing last week at the front gate of the Portland Art Museum to take an incredible journey...

- Exhibition: The Quest For Immortality At Portland (Statesman Journal)Continuing its travels, Quest goes to Portland: "The Portland Art Museum is selling general admission tickets for its next blockbuster exhibit, an unprecedented look into ancient Egypt. The show evokes the ornately...

- U.s. Exhibition: The Quest For Immortality,0,6455271.story?coll=sns-ap-entertainment-headlines 100 ancient Egyptian objects currently on display at the Milwaukee Public...

- Quest Still On For Many Treasures Of Egypt "Egyptologist Ashraf Okasha traveled with "The Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient Egypt" from Cairo to the Milwaukee Public Museum and has stayed in town for several weeks as a representative...

