Quick blog update

Quick blog update

Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday and this morning - been a bit busy. I am going up to town today to meet a friend to combine two of my favourite subjects - archaeology chat and website-building chat. After that I thought I'd see what the queues are like at the Royal Academy's Summer Exhibition.

I'll update the blog this evening when I get back.

Whilst I'm at it, I should mention that I am off to Italy for a few days on Friday and won't be updating the blog for around a week as from Thursday. As usual, if anyone out there feels like taking over the job whilst I'm away, feel free to volunteer!

A quick off-topic question to the European travellers amongst you - does anyone know how widely Visa Electron is accepted by bank cashpoint machines in Europe? I've acquired a Travel Money Card from the post office (a combination between a prepaid credit card and a traveller's cheque), and I have traveller's cheques too, but it would be quite helpful to know if the card is going to be usable in places like Rome, Siena and Venice.
[email protected]. Thanks. I'll try to drag my non-Egyptological friend to see the Rome obelisk, so hopefully I'll bring back some pics.

Finally, I received a few complaints that an article I linked to on Al Ahram Weekly was unavailable. Unfortunately there was nothing that I could do about it because the fault was not with the link that I posted but with the entire Al Ahram site - the entire website was down for days. It seems to be back up and running but is hideously slow. When I get in this evening I will repost last week's Al Ahram stories together with any new ones.

Cheers to all

- "egyptological" - Online Magazine Update
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- Photo For Today
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- Blog Update
I have to go up to Wales unexpectedly today, so I won't be around until early next week. Sorry! I'll backdate when I get back. Before I go I just want to say that I am having trouble with email. Some older emails are sitting in my "to do" folder...

- Blog Update
Hi to all UPDATE 1720: Done! Further to my earlier comments (below), I have now updated the blog, and will do so again tomorrow morning - but please bear with me next week. 0911: Sorry for the lack of updates for the last two days - I have been somewhat...

- Surprise Delivery
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2005/759/he2.htmZahi Hawass's occasional Dig Days column in the Al Ahram Weeekly online publication this week deals with the return of an engraving dating to the New Kingdom, by an individual who returned it on behalf of...

