Quick update from Gurob

Quick update from Gurob

Bloomsbury Academy

Thanks to Lucia Gahlin for highlighting the following news from Gurob (with photo):

Ian Shaw, Director of the Gurob Harem Palace Project (GHPP) in Egypt.

Following another successful season at Medinet el-Gurob in April Ian updates us:

We continued to work on the first comprehensive map of this large New Kingdom palace, town and multi-period necropolis, using the latest GIS software. We re-excavated areas of the town site, revealing traces of at least one kiln possibly used for working glass during the New Kingdom. Among the more unusual surface finds this season were a faience scaraboid of a duck with its head reversed; a fragment of a late 18th-Dynasty blue glass vessel with feathered design in yellow, black and white; a small tile decorated with a fish in cream and brown glaze (pictured here) similar to those found at Amarna; two ‘lady on a bed’ figurines; and two fragments of shabtis (one in faience and one of Nile silt clay).

If you would like to find out more about this fascinating project or make a donation to it, or perhaps arrange to make an exclusive visit to the site during the 2010 season, contact Ian Shaw ([email protected]) or Jan Picton ([email protected]).

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