Radiologists reveal MFAH mummy’s secrets

Radiologists reveal MFAH mummy’s secrets


Wrapped up for 2,000 years in a manner that indicated wealth and love, the mummy was a mystery child. That changed recently when the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston asked The University of Texas Medical School at Houston’s Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging to perform a computed tomography (CT) scan on the tiny figure. “The mummy had never been unwrapped,” said Sandra Oldham, M.D., professor of radiology, chief of thoracic imaging and director of residency radiology. “They thought it was a child but didn’t have any other information, and they wanted to know if there were any things in there with the mummy.” . . . .

Initially, the child was believed to be about 2 years old. But judging by the number of unerupted teeth and unfused bone ends, Oldham said the child was 3 to 4 years old.

She also detected tiny bone breaks consistent with the age of the mummy, which dates to 30 B.C. to 150 A.D., as it was moved from its original location. None of the long bones of the arms or legs were broken, and there was no indication from the skeleton that the child died from a traumatic injury.

See the above page for the full story.

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