Ramesses in custody

Ramesses in custody

Egypt Daily Star News

There's a rather sad photograph on the above page, showing the statue of Ramesses II in its new location awaiting the construction of the new Grand Museum of Egypt (the most recent estimate for which I have seen is 2010). Here's part of the caption:

The 3,200-year-old massive statue of Ramses II remains in a protective shed in Cairo on May 26. After years of controversy, based on worries that heavy pollution was damaging the statue, the 83-tonne, 11-meter high pink granite colossus was moved on August 25, 2006 in a ten-hour operation using two flatbed trucks through the city after standing for 50 years in a downtown Cairo square, hemmed in by bridges, an underground railway and a mosque, to stand closer to its original location in Giza, near the pyramids plateau, just south of the Egyptian capital.

- Ramesses To Go To Grand Museum
drhawass.com Press Release After decision, indecision and decision the red granite statue of Ramses II will move ahead to its new location at the court of the Grand Egyptian Museum, overlooking giza plateau, on August 25. Culture minister Faouk Hosni...

- Ramesses Ii - On The Move At Last
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/5282414.stm The statue of Ramesses II is on the move in Cairo: "It is being moved overnight to a site near the pyramids outside Cairo. Tens of thousands of people have been watching the colossus move through...

- Ramesses Moving Tomorrow
http://www.gulfnews.com/region/Egypt/10062370.htmlThe statue of Ramesses II will be moved tomorrow, on an Egyptian public holiday, from its over-polluted home and will be installed in its new Giza location on Friday: "Sayed Hamdan, a roving photographer,...

- More Re Dry Run For Ramesses Statue Removal
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/806/eg2.htm"It took eight hours for a replica of the 125- tonne red granite statue of Ramses II to make its overnight journey from Tahrir Square to the planned Grand Egyptian Museum overlooking the Giza plateau. The move...

- Farewell To Ramesses
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/796/fr2.htm"On Friday 25 August, at 6am, when Cairo traffic is at its quietest, the colossus of the 19th Dynasty Pharaoh Ramses II will begin its journey from outside Bab Al-Hadid train station to its new home at the site...

