Ramses II: The Mummy

Ramses II: The Mummy

The thought that the mummy of Ramses II in the Cairo museum is the mummy of the Pharaoh of the Exodus is almost certainly wrong. The story of the Exodus has never been proved to be anything other than a good story but whether it is true or not is not my point, my point being that as a fragile old man in poor health over 90 years of age he would have been in agony over the ride his frail badly decaying teeth chattering together his delicate bones breaking with each bump.

Chasing enemy or prey in a chariot is the sport of the young and vigorous people and not of the old, the mummy of Ramses II in the Cairo museum ended his Chariot days perhaps decades before he finally died. If the story of the Exodus is true and it occurred in this mummies reign than it was a representative of Pharaoh who drowned in the Red sea and not the person who's mummy is labeled Rameses II in the Cairo museum.


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