Recent investigation in the Valley of the Kings

Recent investigation in the Valley of the Kings (Zahi Hawass)

Thanks to Rick Menges for letting me know that Zahi Hawass has published an online article about the most recent work taking place in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor. The main focus of the piece is work carried out at the tomb of Seti I and a project to locate the tomb of Ramesses VIII. It is written in a very autobiographical and anectodal style. The article is accompanied by some very good photographs.

The team that I have appointed to search for the tomb of Ramesses VIII is headed by Afifi Rohiem, who has worked with me for many years at Giza. We began our work to the north, south, and west of the tomb of Merenptah. We have rediscovered ancient graffiti recorded by the great scholar Jaroslav Czerny. One of these was written by the 18th Dynasty vizier Userhat, who says that he built a tomb for his father, Amennakht, in this area. The site is littered with large blocks, which we are moving in our search for lost tombs – and we are finding tantalizing clues that something is hidden here. In the area to the south of Merenptah’s tomb, we found a cutting in the bedrock, but the rubble at the entrance to whatever lies beyond has been disturbed. If there is a tomb here, it is unlikely to be intact. However, another cutting, to the north, appears to be undisturbed. We have also found workmen’s huts, which we have recorded carefully. We are planning to bring in very sophisticated radar that can see 20 meters down, and hope that this will help guide us in our work.

See the above for more.

- The View From Planet Hawass
The following is a summary of the main news items from Zahi Hawass's website over the previous few weeks. The most recent item is at the top of the post. If some of these are duplicates of earlier posts I apologise - these were picked up by Google...

- Variations On An Enigma
Al Ahram Weekly Recent discoveries at the Valley of the Kings on Luxor's west bank have changed the understanding of one of the most intriguing archaeological sites in Egypt, says Nevine El-Aref The Valley of the Kings is one of the richest and most...

- Interview: Hawass On The Latest Discoveries And Activities In Egypt Many thanks to Fred Sierevogel for sending me the link to this recent inverview with Zahi Hawass (28th July 2008). The interview was conducted by Andrew Bayuk with the assistance of Whitney Bayuk. The website above is the official website...

- Repeat: Secrets Of The Valley Of The Kings Over the last week or so I have received quite a large number of emails (with my thanks) bringing my attention to the above page. I originally posted a link to it on May 7th, but it seems that many people missed it, so here it is again....

- The Cave Of Sokar
This is Dr. Hawass on the tunnel in the tomb of Seti I in the Valley of Kings which his team have recently finished excavating. Dr. Hawass explains the tunnels meaning including the Kings plan of building a tomb within the tomb but Seti's time ran...

