Reconstructed face gets ready for big debut Sunday

Reconstructed face gets ready for big debut Sunday

Since the mummy joined the Wayne County Historical Museum collection nearly 80 years ago, children and adults have imagined the life of the person buried inside the sarcophagus.

Was the mummy a man? A woman? Recent efforts have proven it to be a man, age 35 to 49, who was 5 feet 6 inches to 5-9.

But what did he look like?

The young and old can test their imaginations against the powers of forensic science when the reconstructed head of the mummy is unveiled Sunday.

"To Live Forever...", a celebration of the reconstruction of the face of the Wayne County Historical Museum mummy, will begin with a mummy symposium at 1:30 p.m. Sunday followed by the unveiling and renaming ceremony at 4 p.m.

Speakers during the symposium will include those who have done much of the work and research to bring new facts and a face to light.

Egyptian gallery guest curator Bonnie Sampsell will trace the mummy's history, forensic artist Brenda Robertson Stewart will explain the evolution of the facial reconstruction and University of Indianapolis forensic anthropologist Andi Simmons will talk about what information the mummy's bones provide.

Museum executive director Jim Harlan said he is eager to see the mummy's finished face.

"The project started in 2006. I think we've gotten answers to almost every question we had about the mummy," Harlan said. "We wanted to speak with authority. I know the docents are eager to have the final information put together. It's all come together now in a real nice project."

See the above page for the full story.

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