Repatriating artefacts

Repatriating artefacts
"Who is the rightful owner of ancient artifacts – the famed Elgin marbles taken from the Parthenon, say, or the elegant Nefertiti head? Is it the museums and collectors housing them, or the lands from which these antiquities came? The question takes on more relevance with each new case of ownership being passed back to the country of origin. In February, the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art agreed to return several prized items to Italy. Last week, the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles agreed to return two ancient works to Greece. Both countries claimed the items were stolen."
See the above article for the full story.

Although many of these articles are not specific to Egypt, I continue to cover them because they are relevant to the international heritage community in general, and each new agreement helps to form a series of precedents to guide future negotiations.

- The Repatriation Of Antiquities the light of Egypt's bid for the return of several key artefacts, on loan, for the opening of new museums, the following article looks at some of the issues...

- Repatriating Disputed Antiquities article by Jane C. Waldbaum, President of the Archaeological Institute of America on the Archaeology Magazine website: "By repatriating disputed antiquities, museums will be able to bring even more...

- Update Re The Getty Negotiations
Thanks to Archaeology Magazine's News section for the following links. those of you following the Getty situation, this page provides an update on the ongoing negotiations between the...

- Slow Negotiations Between Italy And The Getty ( For those of you following the important negotiations taking place, world wide, over the repatriation of items which were removed under dubious circumstances from their country of origin, there's a review...

- Art Museums Wrestle With Ownership Issue ( in a long line of recent articles about the challenges facing museums wishing to aquire antiquities for their collections, and the efforts of governments to repatriate items which, in some cases, should...

