Repatriation: It's not just Egypt

Repatriation: It's not just Egypt

Sydney Morning Herald (Jason Koutsoukis)

Egypt will host an international conference next March for countries seeking the return of ancient indigenous treasures being kept in foreign museums.

The secretary-general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, said the conference would be a world first.

''We expect around 12 countries to participate, possibly several more,'' Dr Hawass said.

''There is a moral imperative for museums around the world to return certain artefacts to the countries they came from, and we are going to identify how we can help each other to increase the pressure on the keepers of those artefacts.''

Among those nations to attend will be Greece, Italy, China and Mexico.

''I am calling on all nations who want their important artefacts returned to attend the conference,'' Dr Hawass said.

After the above extract the article goes into the usual description of Hawass vs. anyone holding on to his list of most-wanted artefacts.

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