Replicas in the Valley of the Kings?

Replicas in the Valley of the Kings?

Al Ahram Weekly (Riad Tawfik)

Tourism experts have greeted a plan to open replica tombs for tourists on the west bank at Luxor with considerable scepticism, writes Riad Tawfik

Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) has recently announced a radical plan to try to save the ancient Egyptian tombs on the west bank of the Nile at Luxor. According to the plan, visitors will soon be unable to visit the tombs themselves and will instead be directed to replica tombs built nearby, with the first such replicas being those of the ancient Egyptian rulers Tutankhamun, Seti I and Nefertari.

Antiquity officials have been concerned over the deterioration of the tombs, which attract some 9,000 visitors a day, for some time now. Scientists examining the tombs have warned of an elevated level of carbon dioxide and humidity in the air, as well as damage to the tombs' wall paintings and salt deposits on the walls, all connected to the excessive number of visitors.

There are 63 tombs in the Valley of the Kings and 100 tombs in the Valley of the Queens, and experts are warning that these peerless archaeological destinations may be in danger.

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