

Open Access Institutional Repositories
The Ancient World Online

Charles Ellwood Jones has posted a list of authors who have made publications available online free of charge, together with the web addresses for those archives. Authors who have written about Egypt include Roger Bagnall and John Baines.

i-Medjat (papyrus electronique)

i-Medjat est une nouvelle revue d'égyptologie éditée par l'Unité de Recherche-Action Guadeloupe (UNIRAG) et disponible, gratuitement, sous forme électronique. En égyptien ancien, le terme Medjat signifie "rouleau de papyrus".

A ce jour, trois numéros sont disponibles en téléchargement gratuit. Pour accéder au sommaire du chaque numéro et éventuellement procéder à leur téléchargement, veuillez cliquer sur leur page de couverture ci-dessous.

- Recent Offerings From The Griffith Institute
Ancient World Online (Charles Ellwood Jones) Thanks to Chuck Jones for posting a list of recent open access offerings from the Griffith Institute, Oxford, including some 1,800 photographs of Egypt and Sudan taken by Reginald St. Alban Heathcote between...

- Open Access Egyptology From Waseda
Ancient World Online (Charles Ellwood Jones) Institute of Archaeology, Waseda University, Tokyo Publications Series of Studies in Egyptian Culture See the above page for a set of 13 links of an excellent online resource of articles.Egyptology News Blog,...

- Online Resources: Oriental Institute Open Resource Publications
Ancient World Online See the above page for the full list of OI resources, most of which are focused on Egypt, with thanks to Chuck Jones for yet again for indexing them and to the OI for making them available. The Oriental Institute of The University...

- New Online Journal: Égypte Nilotique Et Méditerranéenne
OsirisNet News Thanks to the OsirisNet October News page for the information that The Egyptological institute François Daumas, Montpellier University, has announced the launch of its online Egyptology publication, ENiM - Égypte nilotique et méditerranéenne,...

- Giza Archives Project Library
Ancient World Bloggers (Charles Ellwood Jones) Thanks to Chuck Jones for posting a long list of articles available at the Giza Archives Project website. The freely accessible online library of monographs, articles, and manuscripts all focus on the Giza...

