Restoring history

Restoring history

The National (Nabil Shawkat)

Immortality is a messy business. If you don’t believe it, ask Ramadan Badry Hussein, the man keeping track of thousands of monuments in Egypt. Only five years ago, cleaning men stole three ancient statues from the basement of the Egyptian Museum. When quizzed by the police, they said that the statues were just lying around unattended. They bundled them up with some construction debris they were removing from the building and walked out. Their deception went unnoticed for days. The basement housed more than 100,000 artefacts, and hadn’t been properly catalogued for decades. The thieves were caught this time, but others may have got away with an ancient treasure or more. When mummies and furniture, statues and votive offerings are stacked in boxes and deposited in dusty corners, anything can happen.

- Egyptian Policeman Arrested ( "Antiquities police arrested a police guard in the Egyptian governorate of Qena who attempted to sell four pharaonic statues to a rich Arab for 4 million US dollars, a police source said Friday....

- Found And Lost More about the artefacts missing in the Cairo Museum: "To recover the lost artifacts—statues approximately 20cm tall—Hawass appointed a committee of “seven to eight” archaeologists to search the colossal basement. He claims...

- Trading In Our History This piece on Al Ahram weekly's website by Mohammed el-Ezabi, highlighting the problems of antiquities theft, is reproduced in full due to the fact that it will not be archived on the Al Ahram website: "One...

- Unearthing The Museum's Basement Hawass on the subject of one of the world's most sought-after basements: "Recently I have become interested in digging in a new place, a place without sand -- the basement of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo....

- Cairo Museum Catalogued
The basement of the Cairo museum is being catalogued and here is another article.

