Reviews: Ancient temples and dictioniaries

Reviews: Ancient temples and dictioniaries
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"When two substantial books with similar titles featuring images on the cover that are almost the same are published by the same press in the space of a single year, one feels almost challenged to discover the difference between them, if only in order to guide potential readers. The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt, published by AUC Press by arrangement with Thames and Hudson of London, is part of a series of book put out by the latter publisher. Already on the market are The Complete Gods and Goddesses, The Complete Royal Families, The Complete Tutankhamun, and The Complete Valley of the Kings. This new addition is of the same excellent quality as the rest of the series, and it includes the most famous monuments in Luxor and every temple along the Nile. It covers temple construction and decoration, explains the function and meaning of each part of the temple, as well as the religious rites and roles of pharaohs and priests. Fact files, tables, newly commissioned perspective views, and a guide to visiting the major sites are included."
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- Karnak Online Bibliographical Project
CFEETK Many thanks to Chuck Jones and his Ancient World Online blog for this link. The development of a new CFEETK archives database started in 2009 has required a new unified bibliographic management tool. To allow a wider diffusion of the researches...

- Travel: Luxor - An Open-air Museum
ANBA (Randa Achmawi) Little over 700 kilometres south of Cairo, on the banks of the Nile, is a paradise of monuments of humanity. Also known as Thebes in ancient times, Luxor, in Egypt, is currently an interesting combination between the past and present....

- Ancient Egypt Magazine - October/november Issue again to Bob Partridge for the contents listing of the new edition of Ancient Egypt Magazine, which will be out in the second week of October:“A Victorian View of Egypt”: John Hannavy examines some stunning...

- Abu Simbel
William MacQuitty G.P. Putnam's Sons New York Library of Congress Catalog Number 65-19561 1965 The book opens with a nice forward by Dr. I. E. S. Edwards who explains the character of the great King Ramses II and his monument to himself at Abu Simbel...

- Mummies Myth And Magic In Ancient Egypt
Christine El Mahdy Thames & Hudson New York 1989 Library of Congress Catalogue No. 89-50542 This 1989 book by author Christine El Mahdy was appointed with a number of nice images gracing its 192 pages though there was interesting details I also...

