Robbery of Cairo U Archaeology Museum

Robbery of Cairo U Archaeology Museum

This is an article on a robbery of the museum of Cairo University apparently a month ago. The collection of artifacts at the museum contains 1950 objects from the Pharaonic, Coptic and Muslim era's held in two halls. The museum has been closed since February because of instability following the recent unfinished revolution.

- Coptic Museum To Reopen Soon"The renovations at the Coptic Museum in Old Cairo continue. They are a major project that will make the museum one of the best in the world. The exhibitions and display halls are being overhauled and the museum...

- Ushabti Stolen During Revolution Returns
A well known ushabti from Egypt's XXVI Dynasty was among the stolen pieces taken from the Cairo Museum during the January revolution of 2011 and the robbery of the museum. The ushabti was broken during its theft and its lower half was left in the...

- Unesco Director General Tours Cairo Museum
UNESCO's Director General Irina Bokovo has toured the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and say's all is well and that the museum was safe. She also thanked the Egyptian's who protected the museum as well as the library at Alexandria during the recent...

- The Night The Museum Was Robbed
Here we have an interview with Mahmoud el Halwagi the deputy director of the Cairo Museum on the robbery at the end of January by those who took advantage of the revolution....

- The State Of The Museum
This statement from Dr. Zahi Hawass is informative about the possible events relating to the robbery of the Cairo museum and the people who committed the crime. Dr. Hawass also talks about the restoration of damaged objects and the ongoing inventory of...

