Rock Art Topographical Survey - Second Edition

Rock Art Topographical Survey - Second Edition

Thanks very much to Christopher Coleman for letting me know that the second edition of the Eastern Desert Rock Art Topographical Survey (edited by Maggie and Mike Morrow) has been announced and is due to be published in November 2008. This is a fully revised edition of the original catalouge of over 150 rock art sites, accompanied by a new indexed DVD providing colour images selected from the Desert RATS archives. Over 1000 photographs will be published in the book over 248 pages, 16 of which will be in full colour. Analysis of many of the sites will be revised and additional details and identifications will be included. There will be twelve pages focusing on the important but inadequately published Hammamat Schist Quarry. The accompanying DVD will contain over 2500 photographs and additional supporting material.

It will cost £45.00UKP plus postage and packaging. Full details will be shown on the Bloomsbury Summer School website.

If you want to register an interest to be kept informed of progress you can contact the Desert RATS organizers by email ([email protected]) or post (The Director, Bloomsbury Summer School, Department of History, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK. Please provide the following details:

  • Name
  • Email address (if available)
  • Landline telephone number
  • Mobile telephone number
  • Address
  • Zip/Post code
  • Country

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