Roman Mines in Eastern Desert

Roman Mines in Eastern Desert
Recent excavations at a Roman porphyry mine "have not only revealed the well-preserved quarries and the dwelling places of the quarry men, but have also revealed thousands of ostraca, that is potsherds with inscribed messages, that provide fascinating details of how the quarrying took place, and of how the quarrymen ordered their food - some for themselves, some for their wives on the Nile".

- Cache Of Ostraca Found In Faiyum
Past Horizons With photo. A cache of demotic ostraca has been discovered at the Greco-Roman site of Soknopaiou Nesos/Dime es-Seba, located two kilometres north of Qarun Lake in the Wadi Fayoum, Egypt. The cache was uncovered during an excavation carried...

- Photo For Today - Tareq, Mons Porphyrites
Tareq, Mons Porphyrites The Eastern Desert was used as a resource for raw materials throughout late Predynastic and Dynastic Egypt. The Eastern Desert was a resource for stones and minerals and a through-route for traffic moving between the Red Sea coast...

- New Book: Mons Claudianus. Ostraca Graeca Et Latina Iv
What's New in Papyrology Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, Mons Claudianus. Ostraca graeca et latina IV The international excavations at Mons Claudianus (1987-1993) in the Eastern Desert with the collaboration of the IFAO produced over 9000, mostly Greek, ostraca....

- Eastern Desert - Renewed Gold Production
Monday Morning This may appear to be slightly off-topic, but it is of interest in terms of the potential damage to the Eastern Desert that the mining might inflict on the archaeology. I've written on my Eastern Desert website both about gold exploitation...

- Auction: Roman Statue Of Purple Porphyry
News-Antique I've added this only because the statue in question was made from a stone exclusively available from the Eastern Desert of Egypt and quarried from there during the Roman period. The settlement built to accompany the site was called Mons...

