Sad Days for Ramses II Temple

Sad Days for Ramses II Temple

Very disturbing article on a temple at Mit Rahina belonging to the god Ptah and built by the nineteenth dynasty pharaoh Ramses II. 

- Sun Shines On Ramses Ii At Abu Simbel
About Egypt The first rays of the morning sun lit up the the statue of pharaoh Ramses II at his temple in Abu Simbel in southern Egypt, a phenomenon that occurs only twice a year. The sun began to enter the temple at 0555 local time (02.55 GMT) for 24...

- Light On Ramesses At Abu Simbel
Egypt State Information Service It's that time of year again: Some 7,000 tourists and Egyptians witnessed Friday 22/2/2008 the phenomenon of the sun falling perpendicular on the face of Ramses II statue in Abu Simbel temple, south Egypt. Happening...

- Face Of Ramses Lights Up Tomorrow "A prominent Egyptian archaeologist has refuted the widely held belief that the sun illuminates the inner sanctum of the main temple at Abu Simbel only on 22 February and 22 October, the birthday and the date of...

- Gaurding The Temple Of Wadi Al-sebua
Armed guards have been deployed to protect the remote temple built by Ramses II at the Wadi Al-Sebua near Aswan. The lovely temple was among the buildings moved during the raising of the high dam in the 1960's. The Minister of state for antiquities...

- The Reconstruction Of Amenhotep Iii
Two 14 m colossal sandstone statues of King Amenhotep III discovered in that kings mortuary temple in 1933 have been uncovered and packed to be shipped to a dryer climate to be reconstructed and consolidated with the intent of returning them...

