Sandro Vannini's Photography - Anubis Shrine and "Anubis Fetishes"

Sandro Vannini's Photography - Anubis Shrine and "Anubis Fetishes"

Heritage Key

Anubis is the jackal-headed god for the afterlife and mummification, who is seen as a key figure for a Pharaoh to pass into the afterlife. The jackal was associated with associated with death and burials in Ancient Egyptian time for their reputation of scavenging human corpses and eating their flesh. It was common practice to place a figure of Anubis near the entrance of a tomb, and for the priest to don an Anubis mask during the embalming process. This is also one of the reasons the Anubis was selected to sail into New York's harbour to promote the upcoming King Tut exhibit!

The Anubis Shrine and "Anubis Fetishes" are two artefacts found inside King Tut's tomb which honour the god, and are now held in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo where they have been photographed by Sandro Vannini. Brought online by Heritage Key, the beautiful details of both these fine artefacts can be appreciated from the comfort of your own computer!

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