Saturday Trivia

Saturday Trivia

Review: Immortal
"I know I am not going to remember the film for long. I guess that is ironic for a film called Immortal. But take my word for it there is nothing very immortal about Immortal. These days the lines between animated and live action film are falling away. Immortal is mostly animated, though some of the main characters are live-action. Everything but these characters is generated in a computer, much like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow and Sin City. And visually this film may even be in their league. Though the visual images may be a little on the pretentious side the imagination of New York City in 2095 is frequently very beautiful and surreal. Images are plucked from many different time periods. But that is about all that is nice. Certainly the plot is not going to sell the film, if I can remember it."

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- Saturday Trivia
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