Science of small particles

Science of small particles
There's not much news today, so forgive this very short extract from an otherwise irrelevant (but truly fascinating) article on the science and technology of small particles: "There is even a connection between the Sphinx of Egypt’s Giza plateau and porosity. The Sphinx may be coerced into revealing its true age thanks to the porosity of the stone from which it is made. A model of the weathering process based on the porosity of the stone has been suggested that may yield a timeline back to the date of its creation."
For anyone interested in the whole age of the sphinx debate, Colin Reader has an excellent summary at:
and his follow up comments are on the same site at:

- Restoration Work Underway At Giza And Mit Rahina
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) Earlier today the Minister of State for Antiquities Mohamed Ibrahim led a tour around the Giza plateau to monitor work being done on the Sphinx’s Valley Temple and Mit-Rahina archaeological site, as part of the lead up...

- In The Lab: Laser Scanning The Sphinx Video. The Sphinx has always been an object of fascination for people for thousands of years. Today, new technology allows us to study it in more detail than ever. We recently cooperated with a team from the Mubarak Scientific City using...

- More Re Age And Development Of Giza Sphinx
Press TV A British geologist claims the Egyptian Sphinx could be much older than previously thought and might have originally had a lion's face. Colin Reader says the rain erosion on the Sphinx's enclosure suggests it was built before the first...

- Tv Programme Re The Age Of The Sphinx
There was a programme on UK terrestrial television (Channel 5, 8pm) last night entitled Sphinx, in the Secrets of Egypt series. I haven't seen the first two episodes in the series and I didn't take notes last night whilst I was cooking, but it...

- The Age Of The Great Sphinx At Giza Before the Fourth Dynasty is paper by Geologist Colin Reader, originally published in the Journal of the Ancient Chronology Forum 9 in 2002, which has been published on the...

