Scientist Races to Save Ancient Egypt

Scientist Races to Save Ancient Egypt
"University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Egyptologist Sarah Parcak, Ph.D., is in a race against time. In Egypt, thousands of known and unknown archaeological sites are at risk of destruction from urban sprawl, expanding development and looting. Twenty-three percent of ancient sites in the East Delta region alone have disappeared in the past 30 years, with 8 percent lying under towns and 76 percent undergoing full to partial removal. Should the same rate of site destruction continue and increase, by 2050, virtually all archaeological sites, or tells, could be wiped out in the region."
See the above page for the full story.

- Sarah Parcak Talking About Her Satellite Research
Exchange Magazine     Video. In this short talk, TED Fellow Sarah Parcak introduces the field of "space archeology" -- using satellite images to search for clues to the lost sites of past civilizations. Sarah Parcak uses satellite...

- Satellites Unearthing Ancient Egyptian Ruins
CNN Sarah Parcak's work with satellite images makes fairly regular appearences in the media. There's nothing really new here, but for those of you who haven't come across her work before the above article provides a good summary. Archaeologists...

- Hiding In Plain View - Identifying Sites From Satellite Photos A slideshow demonstrating how Sarah Parcak goes about finding ancient Egyptian sites using satellite photographs. I should warn you that the site was down over the weekend, and when it first came back up I was only able to access the first...

- Capmas: Population Reaches 78.7 Million In May 2008
Egypt State Information Service Egypt's population until May 1, 2008 reached 78.7 million according to final results of this year's census as announced Thursday by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). Of the population...

- Satellites Reveal Ancient Sites
The Birmingham News In a computer lab on Birmingham's Southside, UAB anthropology professor Sarah Parcak scours satellite images for hidden Egyptian archaeological sites half a world away. With the help of the new technology, Parcak and collaborators...

