Season ends at KV63

Season ends at KV63
The KV63 website has been updated with the following posts:

First, a post on Otto Schaden's Dig Diary: "Botanists Ahmed Fahmy and Rim Hamdy were out earlier this month to inspect the garlands and floral collars from Coffin ‘E’, with plans to return again next season. A few of our larger ‘treasures’ were transferred to the Luxor SCA magazine for storage, as they have been registered." There are also details of the preparations to close the tomb for the season, and a promise of the long-awaited new photographs when Dr Schanden returns to Chicago at the end of July. See the above page for the entire post.

Finally, a farewell message from Bill and Roxanne Wilson:
"Otto has left the Valley!! After spending the last seven months making ground-breaking discoveries in the Valley of the Kings. Otto is on his way home to Chicago. The tomb is secured, the treasures have been stored away at the magazine and the search for Ankhesenamun and Kiya has ended. Roxanne and I would like to thank everyone who have followed the exploits of Otto and his team of tomb raiders. We look forward to a brand new season in the valley, beginning in a little more than six months.
Bill and Roxanne Wilson"

- Kv63 Update
KV63 Dig Diary (Otto Schaden) Thanks to Kate Phizackerley's blog and her reader Len Solt for pointing to the above update dating to November 4th 2010 on the KV63 website. Details of some of the research results from last season are discussed and some...

- Kv 63 Update
KV63 Thanks to Kate Phizackerley and her reader Len Solt for pointing out that the KV 63 website has been udated by Otto Schaden with some new information. Here's an extract but it is quite a long post so see the KV 63 website for full details. Since...

- Otto Schaden's Dig Diary (kv 10 And Kv63)
Otto's Dig Diary 20 NOVEMBER 2008 Servus! I am happy to report that our plans for the 2009 season has now been finalized. I will depart for Cairo on January 2nd. Factoring in a few days of scheduled meetings and retrieving supplies I should reach...

- Kv63 Website Updated very much to Gary Maher for pointing out that the KV63 dig diary has been updated, with new photographs added. Dr Schaden's diary entry for July 9th gives a short update about coffins D and E, and there are some...

- New Kv63 Interview"A month has passed since the announcement was made by Zahi Hawass, head of Egypt's Supreme Council for Antiquities, that an American team--a University of Memphis Mission directed by Otto...

