Sixth season of the Epigraphic Survey

Sixth season of the Epigraphic Survey

Al Ahram Weekly (Jill Kamil)

"Preserving Egypt's ancient records for present and future generations is what we strive to do," says Ray Johnson, director of Chicago House, the iconic home of the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute archaeological team in Luxor. Johnson says that the documentation techniques pioneered by founder James Henry Breasted, while now augmented with new digital tools, have never been surpassed. "When a photograph or a scan is not clear enough, or the wall surface is terribly damaged, we use non-invasive photographic and digital images as the basis for precise line drawings that continue to set the standard for epigraphic recording everywhere," he says. "This technique has become known simply as the Chicago House method, and it still sets the disciplined and meticulous course of the work of our documentation teams.

- Exhibition: Picturing The Past At The Oi
Oriental Institute February 7 - September 2, 2012, Oriental Institute, Chicago. Download the Show Catalog in Adode Portable Document Format (pdf) Picturing the Past presents paintings, architectural reconstructions, facsimiles, casts, models, photographs,...

- Book Review: Pioneer To The Past
Al Ahram Weekly (Jill Kamil) Pioneer to the Past. Story of James Henry Breasted, Archaeologist The Story of archaeologist James Henry Breasted, by his son Charles Breasted, University of Chicago, 2009. (Reprint of Scribner's 1943 publication) The...

- Exhibition: Pioneers To The Past
Chicago Tribune (William Mullen) James Henry Breasted, founder of the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, was short, bespectacled and cerebral -- hardly fitting the picture of Indiana Jones, the fictional archaeologist many think was based...

- Resource: More From The Oriental Institute
More online publications have been added to the Oriental Institute's website: OIP 84. Medinet Habu, Volume IV. The Temple Proper, Part II: The Re Chapel, the Royal Mortuary Complex, and Adjacent Rooms with Miscellaneous Material from the Pylons, the...

- Projects To Map And Record Egypt’s Historical Sites First there's a piece about the GIS mapping project being developed by the EAIS (Egyptian Antiquities Information System): "The need for a single comprehensive database has become more pressing...

