St Louis Art Museum and Cultural Property from Egypt

St Louis Art Museum and Cultural Property from Egypt

Looting Matters (David Gill)

I have commented on the Egyptian mask that somehow has moved from the store at Saqqara to the St Louis Art Museum (SLAM). My attention has been drawn to the significant study: Laura Elizabeth Young, "A Framework for Resolution of Claims for Cultural Property", MSc in Arts Management, University of Oregon, December 2007 [pdf]. Chapter 3 includes a case study on the SLAM mask. There appears to be little doubt that the mask was excavated at Saqqara in early 1952 by Mohammed Zakaria Goneim (d. 1959), then chief inspector of antiquities [image].

SLAM's view of the mask's subsequent history appears to be based on a narrative supplied by the seller, Phoenix Ancient Art, S.A. But is there any secure documentation for the mask before it came into the possession of the dealer in 1997?

See the above page for more.

- Commentary On Slam Mummy Mask Case
Cultural Heritage Lawyer (Rick St. Hilaire) The current civil litigation surrounding whether the Ka-Nefer-Nefer mummy mask is contraband is worth following given the current legal arguments in play. The mask, located at the St. Louis Art Museum...

- More Disputes In Ka-nefer-nefer Mummy Mask Case
Cultural Heritage Lawyer (Ricardo St Hilaire) In the latest round of legal papers filed in the case of United States v. Mask of Ka-Nefer-Nefer, the St. Louis Art Museum (SLAM) says that its possession of the ancient Egyptian mummy mask cannot be likened...

- St Louis Mask - Us Claims Slam Lacks Legal Standing
Cultural Heritage Lawyer (Rick St Hilaire) In the latest round of papers filed in court last week, lawyers for the US Attorney’s Office in St. Louis sought to strike the St. Louis Art Museum’s legal claim in the federal lawsuit involving the mummy...

- The Repatriation Of The St Louis Mask Again Under Discussion
NewsDay A fight between the US government and the St Louis Art Museum over a death mask from ancient Egypt intensified last Wednesday as the government formally demanded the museum hand over the disputed object. The 3 200-year-old mask of Ka-Nefer-Nefer,...

- The Continuing Story Of Ka-nefer-nefer
The story of the mask called Ka-nefer-nefer in the St. Louis Art Museum appears to be turning on St. Louis in favour of Cairo as the mask clearly is the same mask excavated and shown in excavation photo's of the early 1950's. Lawyers for the museum...

