Stolen Coffin

Stolen Coffin

Here we have a picture of the coffin that Dr. Hawass wants returned from the United states. The article claims the coffin belongs to a king which it clearly does not.

- Us To Return 21st Dynasty Sarcophagus To Egypt
Discovery News (Rossella Lorenzi) U.S. authorities will return a beautifully painted 3,000-year-old coffin to Egypt, Egyptian Culture Minister Faruq Hosni said on Monday. Decorated with colorful religious scenes, the ornamented coffin contains the remains...

- Third Intermediate Period Coffin Seized In Miami
Looting Matters (David Gill) A Third Intermediate Coffin belonging to the 21st Dynasty Pharaoh Ames has been confiscated in Miami ("Egypt wants a 3,000-year-old coffin back from US", AP March 22, 2009). Zahi Hawass claims that the wooden coffin was removed...

- Kv63 - The Infant Coffin Schaden has updated the KV63 website at the above address with information about the small coffin known as Coffin D: "As I believe the time is right, I would like to make mention of the small infant coffin, labeled...

- Picture Of The Singer Of Amun From Kv 64
Here is a short article with a picture of the coffin as found in the tomb in the Valley of Kings. The singer in the coffins name is Nehmes Bastet. Her name is associated with the cat god Bastet. Note the small stela next to the feet of the coffin....

- The Repatriation Of Imesy
Well at least the coffin of Imesy one would suspect that Imesy himself is probably still in Egypt though I imagine without his name. This is an article by Dr. Hawass on his repatriation of the coffin....

