Stories from Dakhleh oasis

Stories from Dakhleh oasis

Greek and Roman Studies  (Aislin Lowry)

Aislin Lowry is back at Dakhleh with some great tales from the archaeological team there.

Another week, another set of adventures for me here in the Oasis. Daily life remains very much the same as we go about our respective duties and lessons in and around the dighouse and, subsequently, every day has been as wonderful, exciting, and educational as the last. Still without our permit, each and every team member has been slowly chipping away at the backlog of information and field reports, drawing and cataloging pottery and small finds, creating a new online database for the project, learning how to digitize and map images from the site, and compiling a new catalog for our ceramicists. In a departure from my usual lesson in the morning ceramics in the afternoon routine, I was invited by Ellen to accompany our newly-arriving geologist, herself, and one other student (Mat, he’s an amazing 32 year old senior at Columbia in New York, planning to attend law school in the fall to practice antiquities law) on a pseudo-geological-and-cultural-material survey in the land around Amheida, a carefully delineated area surrounding our dig site, a great portion of which Ellen had surveyed during last year’s excavation. Of course, I was thrilled and honored to join them on their trip into the desert, and I eagerly packed my backpack the next morning for a day of discovery.  

- Online: Treasures Of Dakhleh Oasis
Leiden University Open Access     An exhibition on the occasion of the Fifth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project Informative 40-page PDF with some lovely photographs. Foreword Dakhleh, the “inner” of the oases...

- Amheida Website Updated
NYU Excavations at Amheida Three reports from the 2010 season are new available at the above page (Field Report, Geophysical Survey and Palaeozoology). Amheida is an important site in Dakhleh Oasis. Here's an exerpt from the website's introduction:...

- The Real World Dakhleh: Daily Life In The Dighouse
Greek and Roman Studies blog (Aislinn Lowry) A very entertaining (and unflinching) account of what it's like to live in a dighouse in Dakhleh oasis in the Western Desert. Aislinn starts off with an account of meals (extract below) but if you have...

- Daily Photo: Gebel El-muzawaka
The 1st/2nd Century A.D. necropolis of Gebel el-Muzawaka (or Garet el-Mussawaga, the Hill of Paintings), in Dakhleh Oasis, near ancient Amheida, is visually impressive as you drive up to it, and is quite an experience when you get there - not least because...

- Amheida: Director's Report 2006 ( Roman period site of Amheida lies to the south of the modern Dakhleh Oasis town of El Qasr. Poart of the Dakhleh Oasis Project, the work at Amheida is carried out by Columbia University. After preliminary...

