Studies in Mummies

Studies in Mummies

Can never have too many articles on the lost art of mummification, I say lost though in reality our old friend Herodotus gave us three economical versions on how to create one, depending on how much money you can afford to throw in the grave.

This study by Canada's University of Western Ontario includes radiological scans of 84 mummies in museum collections around the world. The purpose to verify standards of mummification in ancient times within this group of mummies.

The article has a link to the study as well excellent pictures!

- Cat Scan Of Adult Mummy From Royal Ontario Museum
The Star The above article looks at results from scans on four mummies owned by the Royal Ontario Museum, one of which, an anonymous adult, was scanned last week. The previously scanned mummies are also described, including two infants and a female musician...

- Medics Check Up Mummies In Mannheim, Germany
Earth Times An exhibition of 70 mummies from round the globe is to open Sunday at a German museum, complete with three- dimensional X-ray pictures to reveal probable causes of death. The bodies, some naturally mummified and other embalmed, were given...

- More Re Three Mummies To Be Scanned By Uwo
The London Free Press Covered in protective gauze and wrapped in layers of ancient bandages, the lives of three mummies that arrived yesterday at UWO are shrouded in mystery. But hopefully not for long. The unusual guests, who may have lived as long...

- Breathing New Life Into Mummies
Western News (The University of Western Ontario) Using computed tomography, more commonly known as CT-scans, a research team at The University of Western Ontario hopes to unravel the mysteries of three Egyptian mummies on loan from the Royal Ontario Museum....

- Mummies Everywhere

