Talatat of Nefertiti

Talatat of Nefertiti

A talatat block bearing the image of a queen has been found reused in the construction of a Christian church.


- 1600 Talatat Blocks In Colour
Heritage Key (Owen Jarus) Archaeologists are examining a cache of talatat blocks in Luxor that depict Amarna period art in their original colour. “The amount of detail which is shown, where the colour had been preserved, it’s just amazing,” said...

- Helipolis Update
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/784/eg4.htm Nevine El-Aref, providing a good summary of the new temple at Heliopolis, with some additional information: "This site is believed to be an important part of the ancient city of Iunu (ancient Heliopolis), which...

- After Nefertiti
With the recent release of the data from the DNA and CT scanning of the eighteenth dynasty mummies in particular the mummies believed related to king Tutankhamen some new questions have been raised. The results show that the Kv55 man found in a coffin...

- The Jubilee Scene In The Fitzwilliam
The Block: 2300.1943 http://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/pharos/collection_pages/ancient_pages/E.GA.2300.1943/PIC_LRG_E.GA.2300.1943.html This talatat block features King Akhenaten in two complete scenes including on the left side of the face a crudely carved...

- 3500 Year Old Shipwreck

