Tales of the Crypts

Tales of the Crypts

http://tinyurl.com/a7tqr (Sun Sentinel)
Travel piece mainly about visiting the Valley of the Kings and the Giza pyramids: "Egyptologists and other would-be experts are waving the tourist crowds away from Tutankhamun's tomb, describing it as an extra-cost disappointment. And sure enough, if this were Palm Beach, it would be like paying a $20 premium to scope out Mar-a-Lago's carriage house.Many of us make the trip anyway for bragging rights -- and it's the only tomb with a body in it. Sam Guy, an experienced traveler among our group, says that back home near Atlanta, neighbors will be more interested in his tale of Tut's tomb than the huge and more renowned Seti I caverns we just climbed through. We make a final visual scan, and huff our way back up to the surface, where humidity is only 15 percent and the sweat dries off our bodies and clothes in minutes."
See the above URL for the full two-page story.

- Howard Carter's House And Luxor
drhawass.com (Zahi Hawass) Howard Carter’s house is located on the west bank of Luxor just before you enter the Valley of the Kings. Unfortunately, it was neglected for a long time and was not being used for anything except collecting dust. I decided...

- The Death Of Tutankhamun
http://www.timesnews.co.ke/15nov06/magazine/magazine2.htmlAn article on the Kenya Times, in a miniscule font, summarizing the current state of speculation about the death of Tutankhamun: "If there is one Pharaoh who is most famous and has elicited the...

- Tuesday's Egyptian
The Eye of Re on the Mummy of Pharaoh Seti I By the time Pharaoh Seti I was buried in 1279 BC he had restored Egypt to the former glory lost during the Amarna period of a half century earlier. Seti left as tribute to his reign temples such as at Abydos...

- The Cave Of Sokar
This is Dr. Hawass on the tunnel in the tomb of Seti I in the Valley of Kings which his team have recently finished excavating. Dr. Hawass explains the tunnels meaning including the Kings plan of building a tomb within the tomb but Seti's time ran...

- The Cash Register In The Desert
"Even though we had allowed people to take pictures in the Valley, people continued to bribe the guards and take cameras into the tombs and use flash."                            ...

