That Stupid Mask

That Stupid Mask

This is a very good article on the mask in the collection of the St. Louis museum. St. Louis bought the mask legally and even asked Cairo if it was okay and they said okay unfortunately Cairo regrets its decision.

- St Louis Mask - Us Claims Slam Lacks Legal Standing
Cultural Heritage Lawyer (Rick St Hilaire) In the latest round of papers filed in court last week, lawyers for the US Attorney’s Office in St. Louis sought to strike the St. Louis Art Museum’s legal claim in the federal lawsuit involving the mummy...

- St. Louis Art Museum Files Suit
Google / The Canadian Press The St. Louis Art Museum has filed a federal lawsuit to try to keep a 3,200-year-old mummy mask that Egypt wants returned, claiming it was stolen. The museum says the U.S. government is trying to seize the 20-inch (51-centimetre)-long...

- More On The St Louis Mask (St Louis Today) "A top Egyptian antiquities official is demanding the St. Louis Art Museum return the museum's mummy mask amid allegations that the mask (one of the museum's most prized antiquities) was stolen from Egypt...

- Not To Forget Kanefernefer
The mask from the St. Louis Art Museum is from the Egypt's 19th dynasty ca. 1250bce and is its star attraction.The mask was found at Sakkara in 1952, the Cairo museum went looking for it in 1959 and found it missing from its holdings. Kanefernefer's...

- It's The Assumption
It's the assumption that the mask found by Mr. Ghoneim and referred to by him as Kanefernefer and the mask in the St. Louis art museum are one and the same. Probable yes but I would like to point out that mummy masks are part of an artistic tradition...

