The ACCES Seminar at the Egypt Centre

The ACCES Seminar at the Egypt Centre

Ancient Egyptian Cobra Project  (Kasia Szpakowska)

Well worth reading through this great summary of what sounds like an excellent day:

Back from a wonderful day long seminar hosted by Swansea's Egypt Centre for ACCES on More Than Musty Mummies: Novel Approaches to Egyptology and the Public

The description states that "Often display of mummies is seen as the obvious way to get the public involved in Egyptology. This seminar intends to highlight some of the more innovative approaches to inspiring the public with all things Egyptological." It certainly did that and more! I came away from it inspired by every speaker. I offer here just a few quick highlights and ruminations in no particular order, and some of the ideas sparked and kindled

The event was also well covered by Campbell Price, who also clearly enjoyed the day considerably.  See his post on the Egypt At The Manchester Museum blog.


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