The Art of Medicine in Ancient Egypt

The Art of Medicine in Ancient Egypt
From September 15th to January 15th: " he causes of illnesses were little understood in ancient Egypt, and their prevention and cure was a major concern for most Egyptians—one that informs much of ancient Egyptian art but has received relatively little attention. This exhibition highlights objects from the Museum’s collection that address this concern, allowing visitors to appreciate them in new ways. Included is the rarely seen Edwin Smith Papyrus, on loan from the New York Academy of Medicine. One of the world’s oldest scientific documents, this 15-foot papyrus deals with the treatment of wounds both practically and magically".

More information can be found about the exhibition at:
Images from the exhibition are at:
Accompanying the exhibition is a book by James Allen discussing the Edwin Papyrus:

- Book Review (catalogue): The Art Of Medicine
Art Museum Journal Allen, James P., et al. The Art of Medicine in Ancient Egypt (exh. cat.). New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2005. With photos. Ancient Egyptians preserved one's ka (life force) after death through mummification. They were...

- The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus
Thanks to the Resource Shelf blog for the information that the Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus is now available online at the Turning the Pages Online website, from where you can load the virtual papyrus, or you can link to it directly by clicking here (it...

- The Art Of Medicine In Ancient Egypt: An Account By Orac writer is particularly interested in the Edwin Smith medical papyrus: "This papyrus was named after the American Egyptologist who purchased it in Luxor in 1862 and brought it back to...

- Medical Papyrus On Show For The First Time As part of the exhbition "The Art of Medicine in Ancient Egypt" that opened last week in New York, a valuable papyrus has gone on display: "The ancient Egyptians left proof of their scientific prowess for people to marvel at for...

- The Book Of The Fayum
 The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore will be presenting an exhibition on the Greco-Roman book of the Fayum and will be re-uniting major portions of the papyrus for the first time in more than a century since its division in 1859. The book deals...

