The Classical City

The Classical City

Upon Egypt's Mediterranean shore lay the ruins of ancient Leukaspis a town of about 15 000 that was washed away in a tsunami caused by a massive earthquake near Crete in 365 AD. The area is now home to luxury estates for Egypt's wealthy as well as an archaeological zone that the Supreme council of Antiquities is now developing in order to showcase Egypt's classical monuments.

- Book Review: Alexandria Lost
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (Reviewed by Christopher Haas) Bojana Mojsov, Alexandria Lost: From the Advent of Christianity to the Arab Conquest. London: Duckworth, 2010. Nearly two decades ago, Peter Fraser observed that classical Alexandria, like Antioch...

- Conservation: Gammaliya
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) A FEW steps away from Al-Muizz Street, which is now preserved as an open-air museum of Islamic monuments, stands the area of Gammaliya which now awaits its turn to be revamped and returned to its glorious heyday once the...

- Study Of Ancient Tsunami That Destroyed Alexandria
National Geographic Tsunamis like the the one that devastated ancient Alexandria in A.D. 365 may hit the Mediterranean relatively often, a new study argues. Scientists say they have pinpointed the geological fault—off the coast of the Greek island...

- Minoan Art At The Onassis Cultural Center
Suite 101 (Stan Parchin) From the Land of the Labyrinth: Minoan Crete, 3000-1100 B.C. Onassis Cultural Center, March 13th 2008 - September 13th 2008. Crete's early civilization flourished in the 3rd and 2nd Millennia B.C. It produced settlements,...

- Northern Sinai
Al Ahram Weekly Nevine El-Aref takes a look at the historical importance of the route from Egypt accross northern Sinai and describes various New Kingdom forts as well as the newly discovered New Kingdom fortress of Tharos in North Sinai. The article...

