The Confession

The Confession

...King's wife Nubkhas, his royal wife in the place of his, it being protected with blocks covered in mortar. We penetrated them all and found her resting likewise. We opened their coffins and their coverings in which they were. We found the august mummy of this king,. There was a numerous list of amulets and ornaments of gold at its throat; its head had a mask of gold upon it; the august mummy of this king was laid with gold throughout. Its coverings were wrought with gold and silver within an without; inlaid with every costly stone.

We stripped off the gold which we found on the august mummy of this god, and its amulets and ornaments which were at its throat and the coverings wherein it rested. We found the kings wife likewise; we stripped off all we found on her likewise. We set fire to their coverings. We stole their furniture which we found with them, being vases of gold, silver and bronze. We divided and made the gold which we found on these two gods, on their mummies, and the amulets and ornaments and coverings into eight parts.

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- A Burnt Tutankhamun
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- Serapeum Stelea, 547bce
Year 23 first month of the third season day 15 under the majesty of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Khem ibre given life forever. The god was conducted in peace to the beautiful west, to let him assume his place in the necropolis, in the place which...

- Burial Of A Pharaoh At Vergina?
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- Ptolemaic Coin
A gold coin weighing one ounce and minted in Ptolemaic Egypt has recently been found in Israel at Tel Kedesh near the Lebanon boarder. This is only the second Egyptian gold coin found in Israel and the biggest. The image on the coin may represent...

