The Cult of Osiris

The Cult of Osiris

Archaeologists at the Karnak temple complex have found the remains of structures from many ages invested in the cult of the Lord of the underworld.

- Book Review: Abydos: Egypt's First Pharaohs And The Cult Of Osiris
Al Ahram Weekly (Jill Kamil) David O'Connor's Abydos: Egypt's First Pharaohs and the Cult of Osiris. The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo (2009) Abydos is situated on the western bank of the Nile about seven kilometres west of the...

- Alexandria - Looking For The Queen
Global Arab Network (Edward Lewis) Situated on a spit of land between the Mediterranean and Lake Mariout some 45km west of Alexandria, Taposiris Magna was renowned in antiquity for its temple, founded in the third century BC and dedicated to the cult...

- Reconstruction Of Deir El-bahri Sanctuary Of Amun ( "The temple of Queen Hatshepsut from the 15th century B.C. has been under reconstruction by the Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of Warsaw University since 1961. It contains among other things the main...

- Ptolemaic Bath
Here an article on a bath discovered and a quay at the Karnak temple complex.

- Yakking Karnak
Some recent discoveries at the Karnak temple complex.

