The Curse of King Tut

The Curse of King Tut
One man's experience of the Tutankhamun exhibition - amusing rather than informative: " I angle through the obstacle course as quickly as I can and stand trembling in the last room, where a video presentation wonders if Tut had been murdered. Conclusion: It’s an Unsolved Mystery. But now I have my own mystery to solve: I’ve been separated from my family. Perhaps they too have been slain — nothing I can do about that now". See the above page for more.

- Exhibition: Lost Egypt
YNN With video. Central Texans won't have to travel far to experience some of the wonders of ancient Egypt. Developed by the Center of Science and Industry in Columbus, Ohio, "Lost Egypt: Ancient Secrets Modern Science" uses technology to help unravel...

- Exhibitions And The Afterlife Los Angeles film producer Tom Teicholz visits LACMA (Tutankhamun) and the Bowers Museum (Mummies: Death and the Afterlife) to review the exhibitions currently showing there, and ponders about the...

- No Sign Tutankhamun Murdered But Mystery Unsolved§ion=news&src=rss/uk/scienceNews "A three-dimensional X-ray scan of Tutankhamun's mummy found no evidence to support theories he was murdered but failed to solve...

- Dr. Hawass On Tutankhamen
Here is the second in a series of four videos by Dr. Hawass on king Tut. There are a couple of nice excavation photographs included.

- Son Of Akhenaton?
Was King Tut the son of Akhenaton or Amenhotep III. It should however not be a mystery that no propaganda seems to exist connecting Tut as being the son of the Hieratic King as these pieces of propaganda may have been destroyed at the start of Tutankhamun's...

