The Drowning Sphinx

The Drowning Sphinx

With the rising ground water the monuments of Egypt many of which are made of soft limestone need protecting or they will dissolve away.

- An Alternative View On The Sphinx
The Daily Grail (Rober Schoch) With 20 comments in response, at the time of posting. I first met the Great Sphinx face-to-face on 17 June 1990. She (yes, I consider the Great Sphinx a female) has influenced and in many ways defined my life ever since....

- Sphinx Update Report With photos. Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni received a technical and ecological report on the health of the Great Sphinx at Giza, which asserted that the Sphinx and surrounding bedrock are safe, and that the groundwater in the area in front...

- Keeping The Great Sphinx’s Paws Dry (Zahi Hawass) Includes diagrams, photographs and a map. Perhaps the single greatest threat to the preservation of Egypt’s monuments is the rising level of underground water throughout the country. Runoff from sewage and agriculture, along...

- Khufu, Khafra
Here Dr. Hawass talks about the Sphinx its history, restorations and Dr. Hawass' connection to the statue for an upcoming program.

- The Rise Of Ground Water
A short article on protecting Egypt's monuments from ground water.

