The EES Publishing Blog

The EES Publishing Blog

The EES Publishing Blog

This is a place to find out about the publishing department of the world's pre-eminent Egyptological Society. This blog is run by Patricia Spencer and Rob Tamplin, who are responsible for running the Egypt Exploration Society's publishing programme.  Follow us on twitter @TheEES

- Upcoming Publication: Buhen Old Kingdom Town
The EES Publishing Blog (Patricia Spencer)  On 30 December 1961 an EES expedition led by Professor Bryan Emery returned to Buhen in the Sudan, as part of the UK contribution to the UNESCO campaign to save the monuments of Nubia. In two short seasons...

- Why Are So Many Edited Volumes Worthless?
Publishing Archaeology (Michael E. Smith) I think that "worthless" is harsh, but I have been wondering why, recently, so many edited volumes that really don't seem to live up to the potential of the individual contributors are now so popular. Anyone...

- Online Resource: Publishing Archaeology Blog Is Looking For Contributions
Publishing Archaeology (Michael E. Smith) I've published Michael's post in full below. Do contact him from his blog at the above address if you are intersted in contributing. Do you have something interesting to say about issues of publishing...

- Ees News Update, 12 March 2009
Egypt Exploration Society Dear all, This is just a very short note to alert you to a couple of additions to the Society’s online presence. For some time we have been trying to think of new ways of keeping you all more immediately up-to-date with our...

- The Great Ramp
I have resisted publishing this story as I am shy of cockamamie stories about the construction of Giza's great pyramid. So here it is.

